How Do You View the Law?

What is grace if not everything? People outside of the ‘church’ when told about it see it as living water for the soul. While many in the ’church’ struggle and even get upset over it. The issue at hand is ones view of Gods law. You see it is simple, Gods law from the time given to Moses to the preaching of the sermon on the mount is very clear, to be accepted by God you must be perfect. There is no wiggle room or grading on a curve. In other words there is nothing you can do apart from being perfect. This is where grace comes in like a knight in shining armor. Jesus comes and says I did not come to do away with the law but to fulfill it. This is grace, amazing grace. The undeserving, you and I given, the righteousness of Jesus, His perfection, while He becomes our sin for us. Why? Grace! And to the extent we have a high view of the law and an understanding of how far short we fall, to that extent will be the joy in our lives. People who know themselves, truly know, they revel and marvel in grace. Grace is the foundation, it is the structure of their lives. And those people tend to be joyful and gracious to others. On the other hand, people who have a low view of the law, meaning they believe there are things they can do to keep it, those people tend to be less joyful, less forgiving and actually at times angry about grace. We want to be told what to do. We want the 10 steps, the magic formula the roadmap to follow in order to be “pleasing to Him”. When in fact all the commands of the law and all the commands you see in Gods word are meant to point us to one truth, we need Jesus! Be holy as God is holy, love the Lord your God with all your heart soul and mind, pray without ceasing, these and more are impossible to do before and after Christ. To say it is attainable is to lie to yourself and others. The glory, freedom and joy in the commands is that Jesus fulfills everyone of them for us. Which should make us of all people joyful and gracious. As someone put it;

’Church should be so full of laughter and joy that outsiders press their noses to the window wanting to get into the party.’

Rest in and enjoy the amazing grace that fulfilled and continues to fulfill the law for you!

Rest In His grace today,

Tom Crouse


Jars of Clay


The Grace of Weather