Words Matter

Words matter. An observation that is not new or groundbreaking, but can be heartbreaking. By that I am referring to the conversation of life as it exists today in the public forum. Abortion is front and center as it usually is in an election season and if you pay attention to words you can clearly see where people stand. Those on the side of life will speak of the baby in the womb, the child, the person in the womb, while those who are on the side of abortion will speak of viability, number of weeks, the mother, the doctor, to name a few. But the saddest and most heartbreaking word they use is when a baby is born alive because the abortion didn't work. The baby in some states will be allowed as they want to put it, expire! Expire? Your warranty expires, a baby DIES!!!! It is in the words that you see the presupposition of the person and I pray that we at a minimum use words

 that are correct and true. A baby in the womb is a person, and to kill that baby is murder of a person but not just a person, a defenseless person. Aren't those the ones that Jesus told us to care for?


Tom Crouse


God Loves Me “even though”