Amazing Grace

Amazing Grace

Grace is the undeserved kindness of God towards man. Giving us what we do not deserve. For all people this means we get to enjoy life, God's creation, food, love, music, art etc, etc. Gifts given to all, but for those who are Christ’s there is saving grace. The grace of God that gave Jesus Christ for the sins of all who would believe. The scandal of all of this is that God sent Jesus Christ to take the place of, die for, sinners, disgusting vile sinners like: (Insert your own name here). Jesus not only died for sinners, but in fact God's Word says He became sin on the cross! For the only time in all eternal history there was a moment of separation between the Father and the Son, heard in the cry on the cross from Christ of being forsaken.

All of this done for those who would believe in the Lord Jesus Christ. There is only one qualification and that is you must be a sinner. We all qualify and in fact as Martin Luther said, our sin is what we contribute to our salvation. We contribute our sin and God gives Jesus to pay for it all forever, past present and future. We deserve condemnation, shame and eternal punishment, yet God gives us Jesus so that we are never condemned again and are adopted as sons and daughters of the living God!

This is grace, this is amazing!

Rest In His grace today,

Tom Crouse


Why Sweetly Broken Ministries?