Why Sweetly Broken Ministries?

Why Sweetly Broken Ministries?

The simplest answer to this question would be that we are all broken people in need of Jesus Christ.  I preached for decades of His steadfast love that never leaves or forsakes, but it is only in the last 6 or seven years that I have experienced this love firsthand.  Fallen and failed out of ministry, at the lowest point in my life, going to the worst place one could imagine and Jesus was there.  He miraculously spared my life that July evening in 2022.  More than that, He has shown me that I am loved and cared for and delighted in just as I am.  All the things I have preached, His love for us, His never letting go, His righteousness being ours etc. etc.  It is one thing to preach it and another to go through the crucible of failure and sin and consequences for that and realize you are still wildly loved and cared for and it is time to get up and tell people what the Lord has done with your weakness.  I was the one that I would have looked at years before and said, “well he must not have been truly saved”.   Displaying my ignorance or more accurate, arrogance.   How small minded and immature of me to presume to know the mind of God in that way.  Today I hope I am a little slower to judge or speak and quick to go to my Father instead and pray for those whose brokenness is on display.  

It is our hope that this ministry will be used of God to encourage broken people whether they are Christ’s or not.  To share the good news that it is finished, and it is for all who would believe on the Lord Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of their sins.   So finished that in Christ there is never a second when you are not crazy loved by the Father.  And He did not adopt you as His son or daughter in spite of who you are but because of it. 

So here we are ready to serve you in whatever way the Lord would open the door.  To God be the glory great things He has done!

Rest In His grace today,

Tom Crouse


The Grace of Weather


Amazing Grace