His Way is Best!

Gods ways are not our ways is what we are told in Scripture, as far as the heavens are higher than the earth so His ways are higher than ours Isaiah writes. In other words we should not try to figure out God. So what do we do? Spend most of our lives trying to figure out God, hence the term sheep for us from Jesus lol.

What we can do is understand the purpose of His ways and rest in that. What the Lord does is always always always for His glory and the joy of His people. But the truth is we don’t always see it. It’s our nature to doubt God which is why we are easily tempted by the enemy to doubt. If what God is doing is mind blowing amazing and beyond what we could ever imagine or hope as Paul writes we think well this is too good to be true. What’s the catch when will the shoe drop? And when God works through what seems to be awful, well it can’t be God as it is too painful.

To that point the best example is the cross. If we were there watching this amazing kind gentle powerful teacher and healer being murdered you would think this is the worst day in the world. Not a “Good Friday”. Tragic brutal sad awful would be the description. As people mocked Him, telling Him to rescue himself, it would have been heartbreaking and a cause for serious doubt. Yet we know that it was actually the best day. As what was happening that no one watching could have imagined was Jesus became sin and cancelled the debt for all that were His, past present and future.

No matter what God does, regardless of how unlikely, how awesome or painful, it brings the same result. Glory for God and joy for His people. I don’t know where you are today, mountain top, valley or somewhere in between. I do know that we are told in Romans that all things will work for good for those that are Christ’s. In other words it ends up in joy for us. We are way better off not trying to diagnose and figure out God and His ways, and simply resting in the promise that this will ultimately bring joy.

Your Father is for you, loves you delights in you. He is not some grumpy old man in the sky looking to throw a lightning bolt at you. He is ordering your days and nights and life so that you would know Him better and have a greater joy in Him. As there is nothing as powerful than a child of God living out their joy in the Father. So rest and enjoy Him today as He is bringing every circumstance in your life to the same place; His glory, your joy!


Tom Crouse


Was it a Good Friday?


It is Better to Receive than Give!