Was it a Good Friday?

This is the week the world celebrates the resurrection of Jesus Christ. During this time there is what is known as Good Friday. I have never understood that day being given that name. Our Lord and Savior went through the Hell of crucifixion, but that was not the worst of it. As hard as it is to believe, there was something worse than having nails driven through your flesh and bones, followed by a slow painful death of ultimately- suffocation. What could be worse than that? For Jesus the scandal of the cross was not the pain and shame of hanging there naked bleeding and dying. The scandal, the worst part was that moment when Jesus cried out, ‘ my God my God why have you forsaken me?’ In that moment for the first and only time in all of eternity, Jesus became sin and was separated from the Father. This was not a Good Friday.

On the other hand it was a very good Sunday as Jesus rose from the dead proving He was who He said He was, God in flesh. His resurrection is the ‘good’ in this week. His resurrection guarantees us that we are following the right one. He is I Am! So this week let’s remember on Friday the brutality and pain He went through for us, but most of all let’s remember that greater pain He suffered. And let us celebrate the grave not being able to hold Him, He took the sting out of death for us and soon and very soon we are going to see the King!

Much Grace

Tom Crouse


When God Hits Pause


His Way is Best!